Hengky Setiawan
This Website explains about Electronics and Microcontrollers
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
microcontroller Programming
The AVR 8-Bit RISC Microcontroller from Atmel is a very common Microcontroller It's a single integrated circuit with EEPROM, Ram, Analog to Digital converter, a lot of digital input and output lines, timers, UART for RS 232 communication and many other things.
The best is however that a complete programming environment is available under Linux: You can program this Microcontroller in C using GCC. In this article I will explain how to install and use GCC. I will as well explain how to load the software into the Microcontroller. All you need for this are an AT90S4433 Microcontroller, a 4Mhz crystal, some cable and a few other very cheap parts.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
A monitoring and protection circuit for 1-cell and 2-cell Li-ion applications that require high security and authentication, accurate monitoring, low cost, and high utilization of the cell energy. The microcontroller includes 8KB self-programming flash program memory, 512-Bytes SRAM, 256-Bytes EEPROM, 1 or 2 cells in series, over-current, high-current and short-circuit protection, 12-bit voltage A/D converter, 18-bit coulomb counter current A/D converter, and debugWire interface for on-chip debug.
The device features autonomous battery protection during charging and discharging, and supports very accurate accumulated current measurements using an 18-bit ADC with a resolution of 0.84??V. It also supports up to 4 MIPS throughput at 4MHz. 1.8 - 9V operation.
Parameter Name Value
Program Memory Type Flash
Program Memory (KB) 8
CPU Speed (MIPS) 16
RAM Bytes 1
Data EEPROM (bytes) 512
Digital Communication Peripherals 1-UART, 1-SPI, 1-I2C
Capture/Compare/PWM Peripherals 11 CCP3
Comparators 1
Temperature Range (C) -40 to 85
Operating Voltage Range (V) 2.7 to 5.5
Pin Count 32
Cap Touch Channels 12
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Serial Program
org 0h
call masukserial
mov dptr,#MyCharacter
loop: clr A
Movc A,@A+dptr
cjne A,#0,Next
sjmp loop1
Next: call out
inc dptr
sjmp loop
loop1: call input
cjne A,#'1',next1
mov P0,#30h
mov p1,#31h
next1: cjne A,#'2',next2
mov P0,#31h
mov p1,#30h
next2: cjne A,#'3',nextx
mov P0,#39h
mov p1,#34h
nextx: sjmp loop1
mov scon,#52h ; Konfigurasi komunikasi serial
mode 1
mov tmod,#20h ; Baud rate 2400 BPS
MOV TH0,#81H
MOV TH1,#0f3h
MOV TL1,#32H
setb tr1
detecti: jnb ri,detecti
; Deteksi bit RI apakah data sudah diterima
atau belum
clr ri
mov a,sbuf
detecto: jnb ti,detecto;
clr ti ;
mov sbuf,a ;
' Tekan Tombol 1, 2 atau 3',13,10,0
Friday, February 24, 2017
The Program of Running Led
org 0h
jmp mulai
cek1: jb p1.0,cek2 ; cek penekanan tombol 2
call kanan ;
call label kanan
cek2: jb p1.1,cek3 ; cek penekanan tombol 1
call kiri
cek3: jb p1.2,cek1
call mati ;
call label kiri
mulai ;
kembali ke label mulai
kanan: mov a,#01111111b ; isi data accu dengan 01111111b
kanan1: mov p0,a ;
isi data accu di p0
delay ; call delay
jb p1.1,terus ;cek penekanan tombol pada kanan1
sjmp kembali ;
kembali ke label kembali
terus: jb p1.2,terus1 ; cek penekanan tombol pada terus1
sjmp kembali ;
kembali ke kembali
rr a ;
putar data accu ke kanan
cjne a,#11111110b,kanan1 ;bandingkan data 11111110b dengan data di
accu lalu ke label kanan1
sjmp kanan1 ;
kembali ke label kanan1
kembali: ret
kembali ke program awal
kiri: mov a,#11111110b ; isi data accu dengan 11111110b
kiri1: mov p0,a ;
isi data accu di p0
call delay
call delay
jb p1.2,next ; cek penekanan tombol pada next
sjmp back ;
kembali ke label back
next: jb p1.0,next1 ; cek penekanan tombol paada next1
sjmp back ;
kembali ke label back
next1: rl a ;
putar data accu ke kiri
cjne a,#011111111b,kiri1 ; bandingkan data 01111111b dengan data di accu lalu ke
sjmp kiri1 ;
kembali ke label kiri1
back: ret
kembali ke program awal
mati: mov a,#11111111b
mati1: mov p0,a
call delay
jb p1.0,lanjut
sjmp kanan
lanjut: jb p1.1,lanjut1
sjmp kiri
lanjut1: jmp mulai
;subroutine delay time
delay: mov r2,#180 ;
isi data register 2 dangan 180h
delay1: mov r3,#250 ;
isi data register 3 dengan 250h
delay2: djnz r3,delay2 ;
kurangi register 3 jika belum 0 jangan lompat ke delay2
djnz r2,delay1 ;
kurangi register 2 jika belum 0 jangan lompat ke delay1
kembali ke program awal
program berakhir
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
IC 7486
This gateway uses type IC 7486. Operating gates: EX OR gates differ from OR gates. Output will be worth 0 if the inputs are both 1 or both 0 and 1 would be valuable if one of the input and output of value 0 or 1. Thus obtained the following equation: Y = AB + AB

Tuesday, March 1, 2016
IC 7400
By using type IC 7400, a NAND gate has two inputs and one output.
Gate operations:
NAND gates requires all inputs are 0 (connected to ground) or one of them is worth 1 in order to produce valuable output 1. Conversely, if Y = A • B all inputs were priced 1 (input from Vcc), the output will be worth 0. This is the opposite of the AND gate operation.
Gate operations:
NAND gates requires all inputs are 0 (connected to ground) or one of them is worth 1 in order to produce valuable output 1. Conversely, if Y = A • B all inputs were priced 1 (input from Vcc), the output will be worth 0. This is the opposite of the AND gate operation.

Monday, February 29, 2016
IC 7408
Basic gates are already packed in an IC (Integrated Circuit), for gate use type IC 7408. Since in this case will use the input / input 3 pieces then by combining the two gates can be obtained 3 input meant (by connecting the output 3 feet to 4 feet or five inputs as shown in the image below. gate basic price only had 2 are 0 and 1. valuable 0 if the voltage is worth 0 to 0.8 volts and a valuable one if the voltage is worth 2-5 Volts. Operating gates : If all input is connected to the ground or everything apart then the output will be worth 0, so that the indicator lights are not on. Similarly, if only one apart and other inputs given input voltage of Vcc, the light still will not turn on. the lights will be lit if all inputs rated voltage of Vcc

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