Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Electronics History

Electronics history starting from the 20th century, involving three main components namely vacuum tube (vacuum tube), transistors and integrated circuits (integrated circuit). In 1883, Thomas Alva Edison discovered that electrons can move from one metal conductor to another through a vacuum. Discovery of conduction is known as the Edison effect. In 1904, John Fleming applied the Edison effect to find a two-element electron tube called a diode, and Lee De Forest followed in 1906 with a three-element tube, called the triode. Vacuum tubes were the devices that made manipulation of electrical energy possible so it could be amplified and transmitted.
Application of electron tubes were first applied in the field of radio communications. Guglielmo Marconi pioneered the development of the telegraph without wires (wireless telegraph) in 1896 and long-distance radio communications in 1901. In 1918, Edwin Armstrong invented the "super-heterodyne" who can choose or station radio signals and can receive signals over long distances. Armstrong also found wide band FM frequency modulation (wide-band) in 1935; previously only used AM or amplitude modulation in the range of 1920 to 1935. Bell Laboratories issued a public television in 1927, and this is still a form of electromechanical. When the electronic system becomes a guarantee of quality, Bell Labs engineers introduced the cathode ray picture tube and color television. However, Vladimir Zworykin, an engineer at the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), considered the "father of television" because its discovery, the picture tube and tube iconoscope camera. In the mid-1950s, television has gone through radio for home use and entertainment.
After the war, electron tubes used to develop the first computer, but the tube is not practical because of the size of the electronic components. In 1947, the transistor was invented by a team of engineers from Bell Laboratories. Transistor functions as vacuum tubes, but has a smaller size, lighter, less power consumption, and more powerful, and less expensive to produce with the combination of the metal connector and semiconductor materials.
The concept of the integrated circuit was proposed in 1952 by Geoffrey WA Dummer, an electronics expert with the British Royal Radar Establishment her. In 1961, the integrated circuit into full production by a number of companies, and equipment design change rapidly and in a few different directions to adapt the technology.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Electronic Components

Electronic components in the form of a tool in the form of objects that are part of an electronic circuit that supporters can work in accordance with its usefulness. Ranging from direct attached to the circuit board in the form of PCB, CCB, protoboard or veroboard by way of soldered or attached directly to the circuit board (with other interfaces, such as a cable).

The electronic component consists of one or more electronic materials, which consist of one or several elements of the material and if put together, to design a desired circuit can function according to the function of each component, there is to regulate current and voltage, current leveling, insulate current, amplify the signal flow and many other functions

1. Passive Components

     Resistor or custody
     Capacitors or capacitor
     Inductor or coil

2. Active component
    A. Diodes
         light emitting diode
         photo diode
         laser diode
         Zener diode
         diodes Bridge
    B. Schottky diodes
    C. transistor
         Field effect transistor
         bipolar transistor
         IGBT transistors
         transistor Darlington
         photo transistor

3.Sensors and actuators electromechanical

     strain gauge
     MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Electronics is the study of weak current electrical appliance which is operated by controlling the flow of electrons or electrically charged particles in an apparatus such as computers, electronic devices, thermocouples, semiconductor, and so forth. The study of such tools is a branch of physics, while the shape of the design and manufacture of electronic circuits are part of electrical engineering, computer engineering, and science / electronics and instrumentation engineering.