Saturday, January 30, 2016

Penyalaan seven segment 3 switch

org         0h
                                jmp        HENKY

henky:                  mov       dptr,#angka
                                mov       r5,#10
                                jb            p1.0,hyun
                                CLR         A
                                movc     a,@A+DPTR
                                mov       p2,a
                                mov       p0,#0c0h
                                acall       delay
                                inc          dptr
                                djnz       r5,loop
                                sjmp      HENKY
angka:                   db           0c0h,0f9h,0a4h,0b0h,99h,92h,82h,0f8h,80h,90h
hyun:                    mov       dptr,#angka1
                                mov       r5,#10
                                jb            p1.1,HAO
                                CLR         A
                                movc     a,@A+DPTR
                                mov       p2,a
                                mov       p0,#0c0h
                                acall       delay
                                inc          dptr
                                djnz       r5,loop1
                                sjmp      HYUN
angka1:                                db           90h,80h,0f8h,82h,92h,99h,0b0h,0a4h,0f9h,0c0h
                                JB            P1.2,XX
                                mov       p0,#0c0h
                                acall       delay
                                mov       p2,#0c0h
                                acall       delay
                                sjmp      HAO
XX:                         SJMP     HENKY
delay:                    mov       r0,#200
delay1:                 mov       r1,#255
delay2:                 djnz       r1,delay2
                                djnz       r0,delay1

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Program Led PingPong

Org 0h
Mov A, #0feh
Mov P1,A
Acall Delay
Rl A
Cjne A,#7fh,Mulai
Mov P1,A
Acall Delay
Rr A
Cjne A,#0feh,Mulai1
Sjmp Mulai
Delay: Mov R0,#0
Delay1: Mov R1,#0
Djnz R1,$
Djnz R0,Delay1


The CA555 and CA555C are highly stable timers for use in
precision timing and oscillator applications. As timers, these
monolithic integrated circuits are capable of producing accurate
time delays for periods ranging from microseconds
through hours. These devices are also useful for astable
oscillator operation and can maintain an accurately controlled
free running frequency and duty cycle with only two
external resistors and one capacitor.
The circuits of the CA555 and CA555C may be triggered by
the falling edge of the waveform signal, and the output of
these circuits can source or sink up to a 200mA current or
drive TTL circuits.
These types are direct replacements for industry types in
packages with similar terminal arrangements e.g. SE555
and NE555, MC1555 and MC1455, respectively. The CA555
type circuits are intended for applications requiring premium
electrical performance. The CA555C type circuits are
intended for applications requiring less stringent electrical