Sunday, September 13, 2015


A microcontroller is an integrated chip that typically becomes part of an embedded system (a system designed to perform one or more specific functions in real time). Microcontroller consists of CPU, Memory, I / O ports and timers like a standard computer, but because it is designed only to carry out a specific function in regulating a system, this microcontroller shape is very small and simple and includes all the necessary functions on a single chip ,Different microcontroller with mikroprocesor, which is a general-purpose chip that is used to make a computer or a multi-function devices that require several chips to handle multiple tasks. Microcontroller is intended to be self-sufficient and independent, and serves as a small dedicated computer.The great advantage of the microcontroller compared to using larger microprocessors, is that the number of components and the cost of the design of controlled items can be kept at a minimum. Microcontroller typically designed using CMOS technology (complemantary Metal Oxide Semiconductor), an integrated chip manufacturing technology (IC) efficiently uses little power and is more immune to electrical surges compared to other techniques.

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